Saturday, October 13, 2012

Minnesota River. October.

Fowl carcass with leaves. Head was removed. I can't identify it. Female wood duck, maybe? Don't know...
Minnesota River at Eckstein Landing near New Ulm.
Wild turkey tracks. Have you guys watched Vernon, Florida, the documentary by Errol Morris? You can stream it instantly if you have Netflix. I used to use it to teach characterization, point of view, and setting for Creative Writing and sometimes as an example of how to reveal a hometown for Composition. There's a really funny turkey hunter in it who would have a aneurism over these tracks. Incidentally, my big boys, Mitchell and Phillip, have it in their heads that they are going hunting this fall for pheasants and turkeys. Fine by me, said I, so long as you process and consume the kill. I hate when people just blast the shit out of animals and then don't eat them. So, assuming they knock a few down, you may be subjected to a bird-butchering and roasting one of these weeks on this blog.
A nice reflection.
Raccoon tracks.

Red-Tailed Hawk feather, maybe?

1 comment:

  1. Give me warning before you post the butchering and roasting. I'll cover my eyes.

    These are gorgeous shots, Nicole. They feel so "October."
